surface association

英 [ˈsɜːfɪs əˌsəʊsiˈeɪʃn] 美 [ˈsɜːrfɪs əˌsoʊsiˈeɪʃn]

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  1. "This may be due to the fact that the melanoma arose on a hair-bearing surface or arose in association with a nevus with hair without causing destruction of the hair follicles," the investigators say.
  2. We are the company member of China cleaning Association and the company member of China Surface Engineering and Anti-rust Association.
  3. Objective To observe the changes of body surface temperatures in block and non block area and their association with the changes of core temperatures in patients with epidural anesthesia.
  4. It is the emergence of civil society theory surface of the response to the rule of law, freedom of association is the prerequisite for the development of the community, but also the rule of law ultimately formed the foundation.
  5. Presence of hepatitis B surface antigen in bone marrow cells and its association with serum markers of hepatitis B virus replication
  6. Chengdu City lies in Hg-high background region and Hg-anomalous region. Surface and deep geochemical samples are different in element association.
  7. The changes of body surface temperatures and their association with the changes of core temperatures in patients with epidural anesthesia
  8. PART-NET assembly modell based on virtual transmission chain is established, which conveys the assembly relation to part and part, surface to surface, which realizes the full association of parts.
  9. Through the analysis of real data and the analysis of the traditional track correlation algorithms, this paper illustrates the unique problems that exist in bistatic high frequency surface wave radar track association, paving the way to propose the new track association algorithm later.
  10. Through the establishment of the text surface text and hidden in the fragments within the different themes between the association, we obtain the probability distribution over the topics in the text and finally realize the text of thematic aggregation.
  11. Its influencing factor has divided into two aspects, the exogenous factor includes: Macro economic surface, international finance liberalization; The endogenous factor includes: Our country finances the structure, the bank system internal operation management and the decision-making, incomplete information, the inter-bank association.